What Is a Socket?
A socket is a communication mechanism that allows client/server systems to be developed either locally, on a single machine, or across networks. Linux functions such as printing and network utilities such as rlogin and ftp usually use sockets to communicate. Sockets are created and used differently from pipes because they make a clear distinction between client
and server. The socket mechanism can implement multiple clients attached to a single server.
Socket Connections
You can think of socket connections as telephone calls into a busy building. A call comes into an organi- zation and is answered by a receptionist who puts the call through to the correct department (the server process) and from there to the right person (the server socket). Each incoming call (client) is routed to an appropriate end point and the intervening operators are free to deal with further calls. Before you look at the way socket connections are established in Linux systems, you need to understand how they operate for socket applications that maintain a connection.
First of all, a server application creates a socket, which like a file descriptor is a resource assigned to the server process and that process alone. The server creates it using the system call socket, and it can’t be shared with other processes.
Next, the server process gives the socket a name. Local sockets are given a filename in the Linux file sys- tem, often to be found in /tmp or /usr/tmp. For network sockets, the filename will be a service identifier (port number/access point) relevant to the particular network to which the clients can connect. This identifier allows Linux to route incoming connections specifying a particular port number to the correct server process. A socket is named using the system call bind. The server process then waits for a client to connect to the named socket. The system call, listen, creates a queue for incoming connections. The server can accept them using the system call accept.
When the server calls accept, a new socket is created that is distinct from the named socket. This new socket is used solely for communication with this particular client. The named socket remains for further connections from other clients. If the server is written appropriately, it can take advantage of multiple connections. For a simple server, further clients wait on the listen queue until the server is ready again. The client side of a socket-based system is more straightforward. The client creates an unnamed socket by calling socket. It then calls connect to establish a connection with the server by using the server’s named socket as an address.
Once established, sockets can be used like low-level file descriptors, providing two-way data communications.
Socket Attributes
To fully understand the system calls used in this example, you need to learn a little about UNIX networking.
Sockets are characterized by three attributes: domain, type, and protocol. They also have an address used as their name. The formats of the addresses vary depending on the domain, also known as the protocol family. Each protocol family can use one or more address families to define the address format.
Socket Domains
Domains specify the network medium that the socket communication will use. The most common socket domain is AF_INET, which refers to Internet networking that’s used on many Linux local area networks and, of course, the Internet itself. The underlying protocol, Internet Protocol (IP), which only has one address family, imposes a particular way of specifying computers on a network. This is called the IP address.
Although names almost always refer to networked machines on the Internet, these are translated into lower-level IP addresses. An example IP address is All IP addresses are represented by four numbers, each less than 256, a so-called dotted quad. When a client connects across a network via sockets, it needs the IP address of the server computer.
There may be several services available at the server computer. A client can address a particular service on a networked machine by using an IP port. A port is identified within the system by assigning a unique 16-bit integer and externally by the combination of IP address and port number. The sockets are communication end points that must be bound to ports before communication is possible.
Servers wait for connections on particular ports. Well-known services have allocated port numbers that are used by all Linux and UNIX machines. These are usually, but not always, numbers less than 1024. Examples are the printer spooler (515), rlogin (513), ftp (21), and httpd (80). The last of these is the server for the World Wide Web (WWW). Usually, port numbers less than 1024 are reserved for system services and may only be served by processes with superuser privileges. X/Open defines a constant in netdb.h, IPPORT_RESERVED, to stand for the highest reserved port number. Because there is a standard set of port numbers for standard services, computers can easily connect to each other without having to establish the correct port. Local services may use nonstandard port addresses. The domain in our first example is the UNIX file system domain, AF_UNIX, which can be used by sockets based on a single computer that perhaps isn’t networked. When this is so, the underlying protocol is file input/output and the addresses are absolute filenames. The address that you used for the server socket was server_socket, which you saw appear in the current directory when you ran the server application.
Other domains that might be used include AF_ISO for networks based on ISO standard protocols and AF_XNS for the Xerox Network System. We won’t cover these here.
Socket Types
A socket domain may have a number of different ways of communicating, each of which might have different characteristics. This isn’t an issue with AF_UNIX domain sockets, which provide a reliable two- way communication path. In networked domains, however, you need to be aware of the characteristics of the underlying network. Internet protocols provide two distinct levels of service: streams and datagrams.
Stream Sockets
Stream sockets (in some ways similar to standard input/output streams) provide a connection that is a sequenced and reliable two-way byte stream. Thus, data sent is guaranteed not to be lost, duplicated, or reordered without an indication that an error has occurred. Large messages are fragmented, transmitted, and reassembled. This is like a file stream, as it accepts large amounts of data and writes it to the low- level disk in smaller blocks. Stream sockets have predictable behavior.
Stream sockets, specified by the type SOCK_STREAM, are implemented in the AF_INET domain by TCP/IP connections. They are also the usual type in the AF_UNIX domain. We’ll concentrate on SOCK_STREAM sockets in this chapter because they are more commonly used in programming network
TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. IP is the low-level protocol for packets that provides routing through the network from one computer to another. TCP provides sequencing, flow control, and retransmission to ensure that large data transfers arrive with all of the data present and correct or with an appropriate error condition reported.
Datagram Sockets
In contrast, a datagram socket, specified by the type SOCK_DGRAM, doesn’t establish and maintain a connection. There is also a limit on the size of a datagram that can be sent. It’s transmitted as a single network message that may get lost, duplicated, or arrive out of sequence—ahead of datagrams sent after it.
Datagram sockets are implemented in the AF_INET domain by UDP/IP connections and provide anunsequenced, unreliable service. However, they are relatively inexpensive in terms of resources, since network connections need not be maintained. They’re fast because there is no associated connection setup time. UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. Datagrams are useful for “single-shot” inquiries to information services, for providing regular status information, or for performing low-priority logging. They have the advantage that the death of a server doesn’t necessarily require a client restart. Because datagram-based servers usually retain no connection
information, they can be stopped and restarted without unduly disturbing their clients. For now, we leave the topic of datagrams; see the “Datagrams” section near the end of this chapter for more information on datagrams.