File I/O : system calls

File I/O

Opening Files

The most basic method of accessing a file is via the read( ) and write( ) system calls. Before a file can be accessed, however, it must be opened via an open( ) or creat( ) system call. Once done using the file, it should be closed using the system call close( ).

The open( ) System Call

A file is opened, and a file descriptor is obtained with the open( ) system call:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int   open (const char *name, int flags);
int   open (const char *name, int flags, mode_t mode);

The open( ) system call maps the file given by the pathname name to a file descriptor, which it returns on success. The file position is set to zero, and the file is opened for access according to the flags given by flags.

Flags for open( )

The flags argument must be one of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR. Respectively, these arguments request that the file be opened only for reading, only for writing, or for both reading and writing.

For example, the following code opens /home/vineet/test  for reading:

Int  fd;
fd = open ("/home/vineet/test", O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
/* error */
 A file opened only for writing cannot  also be read, and vice versa. The process issuing the open( )  system call must have sufficient permissions to obtain the access requested.

The flags  argument can be bitwise-ORed with one or more of the following values, modifying the behavior of the open request:

 The file will be opened in append mode. That is, before each write, the file position will be updated to point to the end of the file. This occurs even if another process has written to the file after the issuing process’ last write, thereby changing the file position.

A signal (SIGIO by default) will be generated when the specified file becomes readable or writable. This flag is available only for terminals and sockets, not for regular files.

If the file denoted by name does not exist, the kernel will create it. If the file already exists, this flag has no effect unless O_EXCL is also given.

The file will be opened for direct I/O .

If name is not a directory, the call to open( ) will fail. This flag is used internally by the opendir( ) library call.

When given with O_CREAT, this flag will cause the call to open( ) to fail if the file given by name already exists. This is used to prevent race conditions on file creation.

The given file will be opened using 64-bit offsets, allowing files larger than two gigabytes to be opened. This is implied on 64-bit architectures.

If the given name refers to a terminal device (say, /dev/tty), it will not become the process controlling terminal, even if the process does not currently have a controlling terminal. This flag is not frequently used.

If name is a symbolic link, the call to open( ) will fail. Normally, the link is resolved, and the target file is opened. If other components in the given path are links, the call will still succeed. For example, if name is /etc/ship/plank.txt, the call will fail if plank.txt is a symbolic link. It will succeed, however, if etc or ship is a symbolic link, so long as plank.txt is not.

If possible, the file will be opened in nonblocking mode. Neither the open( ) call, nor any other operation will cause the process to block (sleep) on the I/O. This behavior may be defined only for FIFOs.

The file will be opened for synchronous I/O. No write operation will complete until the data has been physically written to disk; normal read operations are already synchronous, so this flag has no effect on reads. POSIX additionally defines O_DSYNC and O_RSYNC; on Linux, these flags are synonymous with O_SYNC.

If the file exists, it is a regular file, and the given flags allow for writing, the file will be truncated to zero length. Use of O_TRUNC on a FIFO or terminal device is ignored. Use on other file types is undefined. Specifying O_TRUNC with O_RDONLY is also undefined, as you need write access to the file in order to truncate it.

For example, the following code opens for writing the file /home/teach/pearl. If the file already exists, it will be truncated to a length of zero. Because the O_CREAT flag is not specified, if the file does not exist, the call will fail:

int   fd;
fd = open ("/home/vineet/test1", O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC);
if (fd == -1)
/* error */

Owners of New Files

Owner has read, write, and execute permission.
Owner has read permission.
Owner has write permission.
Owner has execute permission.
Group has read, write, and execute permission.
Group has read permission.
Group has write permission.
Group has execute permission.
Everyone else has read, write, and execute permission.
Everyone else has read permission.

Everyone else has write permission.
Everyone else has execute permission.

The creat( ) Function

The combination of O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC is so common that a system call exists to provide just that behavior:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int  creat (const char *name, mode_t mode);

Return Values and Error Codes
Both open( ) and creat( ) return a file descriptor on success. On error, both return -1, and set errno to an appropriate error value (Chapter 1 discussed errno and listed the potential error values). Handling an error on file open is not complicated, as generally there will have been few or no steps performed prior to the open that need to be undone. A typical response would be prompting the user for a different filename or
simply terminating the program.

Reading via read( )

The most basic—and common—mechanism used for reading is the read( ) system call.

#include <unistd.h>
ssize_t read (int  fd, void *buf, size_t len);

Each call reads up to len bytes into buf from the current file offset of the file referenced by fd. On success, the number of bytes written into buf is returned. On error, the call returns -1, and errno is set. The file position is advanced by the number of bytes read from fd. If the object represented by fd is not capable of seeking (for example, a character device file), the read always occurs from the “current” position.
Basic usage is simple. This example reads from the file descriptor fd  into word . The number of bytes read is equal to the size of the unsigned long  type, which is four bytes on 32-bit Linux systems, and eight bytes on 64-bit systems. On return, nr  contains the number of bytes read, or -1  on error:

unsigned long word;
ssize_t  nr;

/* read a couple bytes into 'word' from 'fd' */
nr = read (fd, &word, sizeof (unsigned long));
if (nr == -1)
/* error */

 There are two problems with this -ve implementation: the call might return without reading all len  bytes, and it could produce certain errors that this code does not check for and handle.

Writing with write( )

The most basic and common system call used for writing is write( ). write( ) is the counterpart of read( ).

#include <unistd.h>
ssize_t  write (int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

A call to write( ) writes up to count bytes starting at buf to the current file position of the file referenced by the file descriptor fd. Files backed by objects that do not support seeking (for example, character devices) always write starting at the “head.”

On success, the number of bytes written is returned, and the file position is updated in kind. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately. A call to write( ) can return 0, but this return value does not have any special meaning; it simply implies that zero bytes were written.
As with read( ), the most basic usage is simple:

const char *buf = "My ship is solid!";
ssize_t  nr;
/* write the string in 'buf' to 'fd' */
nr = write (fd, buf, strlen (buf));
if (nr == -1)
/* error */

But again, as with read( ) , this usage is not quite right. Callers also need to check for the possible occurrence of a partial write:

unsigned long word = 1720;
size_t  count;
ssize_t  nr;
count = sizeof (word);
nr = write (fd, &word, count);
if (nr == -1)
/* error, check errno */
else if (nr != count)
/* possible error, but 'errno' not set */

Closing Files
After a program has finished working with a file descriptor, it can unmap the file descriptor from the associated file via the close( ) system call:

#include <unistd.h>
Int  close (int fd);
A call to close( ) unmaps the open file descriptor fd, and disassociates the process from the file. The given file descriptor is then no longer valid, and the kernel is free to reuse it as the return value to a subsequent open( ) or creat( ) call. A call to close( ) returns 0 on success. On error, it returns -1, and sets errno appropriately. Usage is simple:

if (close (fd) == -1)
perror ("close");

Note that closing a file has no bearing on when the file is flushed to disk. If an application wants to ensure that the file is committed to disk before closing it, it needs to make use of one of the synchronization options discussed earlier in “Synchronized I/O.”
Closing a file does have some side effects, though. When the last open file descriptor referring to a file is closed, the data structure representing the file inside the kernel is freed. When this data structure is freed, it unpins the in-memory copy of the inode associated with the file. If nothing else is pinning the inode, it too may be freed from memory (it may stick around because the kernel caches inodes for performance reasons, but it need not). If a file has been unlinked from the disk, but was kept open before it was unlinked, it is not physically removed until it is closed and its inode is removed from memory. Therefore, calling close( ) may also result in an unlinked file finally being physically removed from the disk.

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