Signal Handling in Linux

Signals have a very precise lifecycle. First, a signal is raised (we sometimes also say it is sent or generated). The kernel then stores the signal until it is able to deliver it.
Finally, once it is free to do so, the kernel handles the signal as appropriate. The kernel can perform one of three actions, depending on what the process asked it to do:

Ignore the signal
No action is taken. There are two signals that cannot be ignored: SIGKILL and SIGSTOP. The reason for this is that the system administrator needs to be able to kill or stop processes, and it would be a circumvention of that right if a process could elect to ignore a SIGKILL (making it unkillable), or a SIGSTOP (making it unstoppable).

Catch and handle the signal
The kernel will suspend execution of the process’ current code path, and jump to a previously registered function. The process will then execute this function. Once the process returns from this function, it will jump back to wherever it was when it caught the signal. SIGINT and SIGTERM are two commonly caught signals. Processes catch SIGINT to handle the user generating the interrupt character—for example, a terminal might catch this signal and return to the main prompt. Processes catch SIGTERM to perform necessarily cleanup, such as disconnecting from the network, or removing temporary files, before terminating. SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be caught.

Perform the default action

This action depends on the signal being sent. The default action is often to terminate the process. This is the case with SIGKILL, for instance. However, many signals are provided for specific purposes that concern programmers in particular situations, and these signals are ignored by default because many programs are not interested in them. We will look at the various signals and their default actions shortly.

Traditionally, when a signal was delivered, the function that handled the signal had no information about what had happened except for the fact that a particular signal had occurred. Nowadays, the kernel can provide a lot of context to programmers who want to receive it, and signals can even pass user-defined data, like later and more advanced IPC mechanisms.

Signals Used in Linux :

1) SIGHUP     2) SIGINT     3) SIGQUIT     4) SIGILL     5) SIGTRAP
 6) SIGABRT     7) SIGBUS     8) SIGFPE     9) SIGKILL    10) SIGUSR1
11) SIGSEGV    12) SIGUSR2    13) SIGPIPE    14) SIGALRM    15) SIGTERM
21) SIGTTIN    22) SIGTTOU    23) SIGURG    24) SIGXCPU    25) SIGXFSZ
26) SIGVTALRM    27) SIGPROF    28) SIGWINCH    29) SIGIO    30) SIGPWR
31) SIGSYS    34) SIGRTMIN    35) SIGRTMIN+1    36) SIGRTMIN+2    37) SIGRTMIN+3
38) SIGRTMIN+4    39) SIGRTMIN+5    40) SIGRTMIN+6    41) SIGRTMIN+7    42) SIGRTMIN+8
43) SIGRTMIN+9    44) SIGRTMIN+10    45) SIGRTMIN+11    46) SIGRTMIN+12   
47) SIGRTMIN+13 48) SIGRTMIN+14    49) SIGRTMIN+15    50) SIGRTMAX-14   
51) SIGRTMAX-13    52) SIGRTMAX-12 53) SIGRTMAX-11    54) SIGRTMAX-10   
55) SIGRTMAX-9         56) SIGRTMAX-8    57) SIGRTMAX-7                  58) SIGRTMAX-6      
59) SIGRTMAX-5         60) SIGRTMAX-4         61) SIGRTMAX-3    62) SIGRTMAX-2
63) SIGRTMAX-1       64) SIGRTMAX

The numbers in this shows the Signals number. Which we used during the programming.

Signal Handling
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void signal_handler(int sig)
printf(“ I got signal %d\n”, sig);
(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
int main()
(void) signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
printf(“Hello World!\n”);
return 0;
$ ./ctrlc1
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
-I got signal 2
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
As you can see from this example, the signal handling function takes a single integer parameter, the signal number that caused the function to be called. This can be useful if the same function is used to handle more than one signal. Here we print out the value of SIGINT, which on this system happens to have the value 2. You shouldn’t rely on traditional numeric values for signals; always use signal names in new programs.

It is not safe to call all functions, such as printf, from within a signal handler. A useful technique is to use a signal handler to set a flag and then check that flag from the main program and print a message if required. Toward the end of the chapter, you will find a list of calls that can safely be made inside signal handlers.

Sending Signals

A process may send a signal to another process, including itself, by calling kill. The call will fail if the program doesn’t have permission to send the signal, often because the target process is owned by another user. This is the program equivalent of the shell command of the same name.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
int kill(pid_t pid, int sig);

The kill function sends the specified signal, sig, to the process whose identifier is given by pid. It returns 0 on success. To send a signal, the sending process must have permission to do so. Normally, this means that both processes must have the same user ID (that is, you can send a signal only to one of your own processes, although the superuser may send signals to any process). kill will fail, return -1, and set errno if the signal given is not a valid one (errno set to EINVAL), if it doesn’t have permission (EPERM), or if the specified process doesn’t exist (ESRCH).

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